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7 Digital Marketing Jobs That Didn't Exist 10 Years Ago!

When asked what degree I have to be in digital marketing, I get very confused looks when I tell them that not only do I not have a marketing degree, I actually have two degrees in journalism.

Here’s The Best Time to Post on LinkedIn

what exactly is the best way to capture the time, interest and attention of your audience on the worlds largest network ?

3 Reasons Why Brand Marketing Needs To Go Visual?

Brand loyalty requires brands to really dive into the main parameters that determine consumer behavior, establish trust, and best relate to their (the consumer’s) needs and preferences.

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Start Cooperation with Yaks Brand

The contract for the design and development of the Yaks Brand website

eye eye 5643| 2019/09/23| NOAD News

10 things that Advertising must do for your brand

Advertising must do something in order to warrant the investment you are going to make.

eye eye 4977| 2020/08/29| Marketing