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Digital Branding

Digital Branding

Possessing a brand with an integrated and beautiful identity is one of the important properties of each company. The competitive market of each business has caused companies to differentiate their brand and name apart from delivering quality products and services, so that they can create a clear image of their brand in the minds of their customers and maintain and develop their business. That market. In the digital age and the increase of interactive systems, branding has become a necessary marketing program.

Your brand is defined by your audience, Thus, The adaptation of all visual and behavioral elements along with the quality of your goods and services can create a good scope for the development of your business.

Our target in your branding program is covering all customer’s touch point which is create in different channels such as work environment, stationary, brochure, catalogue, packaging, website and social media, customers connection and etc, and it will implement and program base on brand’s identity and personality.

Branding & Design Services

The Process of Executing Branding & Design Services

 Target Market Analysis

The basis of creating a brand is the correct recognition of the target market and its customers. The elements and visuals that show to customers at the points of contact must be in line with their expectations and taste and should portray a proper image of your brand’s identity and character in their minds.

In this phase, We will define and analyze the target market and your customers, So that we can properly design and implement a suitable map of the company's branding activities based on an enough understanding.


Brand Strategy

Artboard 26

Define Brand Identity

In order to create brand identity and coherence of the branding activities, All visuals and communicational elements with contacts are designed according to the basis of the intended indicators and the brand guidebook for the integration of executive activities.

Design of visual elements

The visual elements design will done after initial analyzis. In this phase we are defining the colours and brand specific fonts, How to display and the visual elements design. Integrate in all of the branding elements make the brand’s name sustainable and create a distinction on your contact’s mind.

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Start Cooperation with Yaks Brand

The contract for the design and development of the Yaks Brand website

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