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YouTube sees 90% lift in searches for football highlight videos

eye 3378| 2018/02/07| Digital News

YouTube has pulled together data around how people are watching — and searching for — sports-related video content on the site, and a few of the growth stats are quite remarkable.
There has been a 90 percent increase in searches for “football highlight” videos during the last year, YouTube reports. The company says that in addition to the rise in search activity, watch-time of sports highlight videos skyrocketed 80 percent between 2016 and 2017.

Highlight videos were not the only sports-related content getting more views. Sports-related interview videos saw a 60 percent increase in watch-time, and funny sports video watch-time was up 50 percent.
YouTube reports 70 of the top 100 sports videos on its site have “great,” “greatest” or “best” in the videos’ titles.

A Google-Ipsos study on sports viewing habits found 80 percent of sports viewers use a computer or mobile device while watching television broadcasts of live sporting events.
That same study indicates that 30 percent of viewers stream live sporting events from their mobile device.



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