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Top 5 Unexpected Cities Hiring For Digital Marketing In 2019

Top 5 Unexpected Cities Hiring For Digital Marketing In 2019

eye 3530| 2020/06/13| Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is on the rise across the world with advancements in data, technology, AI and analytics and with that comes new opportunities in different cities, besides just the obvious hubs like New York, L.A and San Francisco.


Based on research from a recent report from Mondo and salary comparisons from, here is the compiled list of cities that have the highest availability for digital marketing jobs and best opportunities for digital marketers in 2019.


Seattle, Washington

Many people in the tech and digital field have relocated to Seattle since it has developed a reputation as a more affordable alternative to other tech hubs in the U.S. Since Amazon exploded there, its demand for employees has remodeled the marketing job landscape in the area. Microsoft has also been a big part of increasing digital jobs due to their major presence in the city.


Average Digital Marketing Salary: $108,088

Top roles hiring: Visual Designers and Digital Marketing Coordinators


Charlotte, North Carolina

With Charlotte being recognized as an international finance center, there is an ever growing opportunity for digital marketers to thrive. Charlotte also ranked 5th on Entrepreneur Magazine’s Top 20 Large Cities to own a business, which grants digital marketers even more opportunity to get into a company from the ground up.


Average Digital Marketing Salary: $96,487

Top roles hiring: SEO Specialists and SEM Managers


Phoenix, Arizona

With major companies like Apple, Amazon and GoDaddy already calling home, Phoenix is emerging as one of the fastest-growing digital marketing hotbeds in the country with a focus on the tech sector. Numerous advertising and digital marketing agencies are also headquartered in Phoenix, like Allison+Partners, Defero and Off Madison Ave giving the opportunity for different types of digital marketing roles.


Average Digital Marketing Salary: $97,601

Top roles hiring: Social Media Specialists and Content Strategists


Indianapolis, Indiana

Many digital agencies have been popping up across the Indianapolis area and have really brought a lot of attention to the tech field in the city. This is a great opportunity to get into a growing digital business before it really takes off, putting digital marketers in a great place to start a career here.


Average Digital Marketing Salary: $95,770

Top roles hiring: Social Media Managers and Email Marketing Specialists


Minneapolis, Minnesota

Target and Best Buy, along with 16 other Fortune 500 companies, have taken up residence in Minneapolis and others are starting to take notice. This opens up the door for many different chances for digital roles in some of the most well-known companies in the United States.


Average Digital Marketing Salary: $104,901

Top roles hiring: Digital Media Analysts and Digital Marketing Specialists




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