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Ten Top Techniques in New Era’s Marketing - Part 2

Ten Top Techniques in New Era’s Marketing - Part 2

eye 3381| 2018/07/07| Marketing

The successful marketer in new era have adjust its knowledge and experience with day changes. Using novel technologies and approaches, make facilitate the promotion of the brand’s fame and name and it makes reduce the exorbitant cost of some old marketing and advertising method. Merge this method with marketing basic principle can help your goals advancement and increase your brand dynamics.


We mention some of the ways that have an affect on companies marketing plan success:


6. Public relation and the implementation of seminars and specialised exhibitions are an impressive and effective way to increase the sales and development of foreign channels such as partners and suppliers, dealers, agents and it has a role in communication development with special customers, investors and public contacts. Holding an events and professional exhibition can have a good cover of you and your brand’s history and value proposition to target market. Before holding the professional events, get ready to prepare appropriate industry pictures, professional catalogues, valid website content and Social Media’s uploading to be available an enough source and information to your audiences after events completion.


7. Sale, marketing and advertising channels extend and increasing customers loyalty is the priorities of marketers in various industries. Lack of enough information of market, changing people’s attitude and high diversity of similar products, make the decisions process and long time programming hard for many startups and customer information and surveys haven’t enough authenticity and credit like the past and the decision based on that is very risky.

It has to more attention to internal marketing and communication with the customer in new era. Be sure that you are leading up your sale’s team correctly, recognition, rewards and their comments in this process can increases team motivation and dynamics. Using modern solutions and technologies for managing, analyzing and improvement sale’s cycle can have great impressive on your marketing process and sales. Accordingly, you can use ready communication systems with customer or if you need to personalize, design this system in order to your sale’s process and your customers communication type for increasing potential experience on them.


8. Your message publication and advertisement can be done in different ways. Print, Click advertising, Direct Marketing, Viral Videos, Events, Social, Television, Radio, Digital Marketing and more other ways. The important point is creating integrity and coherence and attention in all of the contacts touch points which is create a unique picture in their mind and make it easy  to remember your picture and name. initially, define key performance index (KPI) correctly for every plan. Accordingly, it has to determined your goals and needs correctly and compare the success rate of the implementation program with respect to it. Before starting the advertising campaign, define your target contacts and groups correctly and implement your advertisements based on their interests, needs, geographic and behaviour.


9. Product’s packing and designing is one of the main elements in marketing mixes (4P) and it’s a strategic way to increase competitive advantage over other rivals. Of course, this subject have a less importance in B2B industry which quality and price are the main standard to be choose. Determine the most advantages that your customers getting involved in or using your products. Why they have to buy your services and goods? Analyze their comments and feedback after using your products and try to improve your products quality. having a brain storm sessions can help you in this process.


10. Pricing is one of the complex process which should be done with the cooperation of the executives and financial companies managers to determine the most appropriate price for the products. Costs such as production, transport, packaging and taxes are the main issues in this process. For companies that provide technology based on services, time and knowledge should be considered. Of course, the value of the brand and the competitive environment in many industries are more important in pricing!


Read Ten Top Techniques in New Era’s Marketing - Part 1

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